The Power of Networking

We don't always draw an obvious line between creativity and networking, but when I met Jan Eden, I was taken aback at her ability to connect with her clients.

In a time where so many business owners are desperately trying to grab hold of new ideas for how to authentically reach their audience, Jan stands out in the crowd with proven, time-tested strategies she implemented early on and still uses today. 

Jan is the Founder of The 21st Century Executive Mindset has been an Executive Coach for over 30 years. She was one of the first women in the business of coaching and started her company as a single mom with 4 small children. Creativity is at the heart of everything Jan has done, and she shares numerous stories that will inspire you to think differently about authentically standing out in a crowd. As Jan puts it, she's seen it all and also shares some real and timely advice for entrepreneurs and those considering a new venture. 

As Jan has honoured so many people that have come across her path, we honour her today in being able to share some of her incredible story.


The B-Side Story of Founder, Kim Westlund


The 24 Hour Rule