Live the life you’ve
always DREAMED about
hosted by kim westlund
To have a vision for your life, means to ‘see’ your dreams and purpose somewhere deep inside even when others can’t. Whether you've encountered challenges, big or small, like job loss, divorce, single parenting, trauma, depression or death of a loved one, I believe there is more for you. You’re still here. This podcast aims to help you connect with a vision for your future, resulting in becoming all that you were created to be and stepping into your true calling.
We explore topics like identity, goal-setting, excellence, focus, self-discipline, routines, values and so much more. We go deep and wide and cover step-by-step practical tips to help you succeed in life and business. The most profound ah-ha moments in these transformative conversations can result in a major life overhaul or a few minor tweaks that move you into position to achieve all you’ve ever wanted.
You can expect episodes with me sharing bite-sized bursts of inspiration as well as episodes where I invite special guests to share their story as well as their own perspective.
There’s inspiration and wisdom waiting for you.
The latest episode
Kim’s questions were INSIGHTFUL and THOUGHT-PROVOKING, and I felt that she really took the time to understand my perspective and CONNECT with me on a personal level.”
— george el-hage, founder of wave connect
some of the amazing companies I’ve worked with
A PODCAST to fuel and inspire your B-SIDE
hosted by kim westlund
The Business B-Side gives a voice to obscure and impactful stories of people behind their businesses… and inspiration for how their story might fuel yours. It’s about giving a voice to their B-Side, where the grit and the good stuff are.
Some of my fave B-SIDES